Thursday, September 5, 2013

Looking at the Big Picture

These last two weeks have been pretty difficult. Eating off plan led to a huge flare up and a crazy rash on my arm and neck. I also swelled and gained weight. All a recipe for disaster for someone who was going to do their first show in October. Was. I've been mad at myself which led to more off plan eating and a fabulous pity party for one. 

But something cool happened today that really got me thinking. I had run out of my arthritis shots and needed to order a new prescription. It's quite a ridiculous ordeal to go through (thank you insurance company for my lack of choice) and they brought to my attention that I had not ordered my medication since last December. That was 9 months ago. Then it clicked. I haven't needed to take my weekly injections, weekly!  I was able to make four shots last 9 months. For me, that's amazing!!  As silly as it may sound, it gave me hope. It proves that my clean eating and working out really makes a difference. It also means I need to get my behind in gear and stick with clean eating. I've worked hard to not let my disease define me, but lately it's been kicking my rear. Clean eating works and its up to me to get my act together. I have a goal before me and its time to head in that direction. Motivation can be hard sometimes, but I can't argue with the facts. I simply feel better when I eat right.  Here's to a better tomorrow!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Accepting Things We Cannot Change...

A FB athlete posted that on her page this morning. I heard it last night while out with friends. Change cannot happen until we have acceptance over the uncontrollable things in our lives. 

I have had to learn this the hard way and I just get frustrated with myself because of it. I met with my prep coach yesterday and the decision was made- no show in October. I truly have no one to blame but myself. But more so, I need to accept the fact that I have an autoimmune disease. And like it or not, I have certain limitations in my life. My disease does not control me, but I can make better choices to prevent it from rearing it's ugly head. 

Case in point...last week was a pretty stressful week. Mistake number 1. It has been pointed out to me that I get a little squirrelly at the beginning of every school year. Nothing new for the last 15+ years. I didn't prepare for it. Add in a few extra life situations and I fell apart. I ate off plan. Not once. Not twice. Several times. For some competitors, it's a small setback. You just get back on track and carry on. This is where the acceptance part comes in. I am not a typical competitor. I have rheumatoid arthritis. I am allergic to gluten. Prior to this training adventure, I was tired all the time. My joints constantly flared. My weight ran high. I just assumed this was my life a s took my meds and shots and just went with it. 

Here's what I learned. When I eat clean and I remove foods with histamines and gluten, my body THRIVES!  My joints don't swell. My weight drops. My energy levels soar. I really feel like a million dollars. So you would think, why would you go back?  This is where it gets tricky. I get a false sense of security- I can have a little. It's ok. So on my weekly treat meals, I would indulge. At first, no problem. Then the more I added things back in, flare ups were more frequent. Now I am experiencing worse symptoms than ever- my body swells. I break out in rashes, and I get tired and lethargic.  

So, it's time. I have to accept that I cannot eat those things and reach those goals I have been aspiring to- like competing on stage. This is a setback. A key life lesson. A chance for me to learn, climb back up and be better. Listen to your body. Accept what God has given you and work with it. Use it to your benefit, not your detriment. Today is a new day. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

I did it!

Well, I think it worked!! Apparently I had TWO blogs...kind of what I thought, and so with a little research, I was able to transfer my current blog and delete the old ones. Goodness!! But now I should be on my way! I will work on updating everyone on the latest and greatest- lots of wonderful things to share!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Christmas Light Fiasco!

Well, I have made it through Thanksgiving and now trying to get the house ready for Christmas.  For years when I was married, I always had someone come out and hang Christmas lights on the house.  For me, that was a highlight of the holiday season, to see my house with all the colors.  After the divorce, the cash really wasn't there..then I moved, then the FINALLY, this year, I thought, we can do this.  My boyfriend was less I started bidding out the job again.

Last night, I came home from teaching my evening course, and as I rounded the corner, I SAW THEM!!!  Shane was putting the lights up on my house.  As silly as it may sound, I seriously almost cried!  It doesn't take much to make me happy. 

So, I gathered up the lights for him as he continued to scale across the roof.  As we were getting to the final section of the house, we ran out of light clips.  I am not sure how this happened, as my other house was bigger and there was plenty when we did them there, so some sort of gutter clip fairy took off with them.  I told Shane I would grab some at Home Depot the next day and we would finish it this weekend with the warm weather.

I thought it would be that simple.  Go to Home Depot, purchase gutter clips, then go home.  Well, 5 trips later, no one had gutter clips.  They were all sold out!!  Seriously, I am not sure how this happens.  Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, Walgreens, Target...nobody had them!  As I lamented on FB about my terrible plight, I remembered we had a Rural King, so I called first (I was getting tired of driving all over the place) and they said they had some, so I rushed to grab them.  After searching and searching, I finally asked for help, and was able to get the last three boxes.  I then remembered that there was a second Walgreens out of the way, and checked there, and they had the kind I was looking for..ones that clipped on the bulb.  So, tomorrow I will take the other ones back.  Who would have thought a simple wish for Christmas lights would have turned into such craziness???

At least next year I will be prepared!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Well, here it is.  I did it-I created a blog!  Ok, well this isn't my first attempt at it.. I think I tried one three years ago, but honestly I don't remember where that would be or if I even actually published a thing on it. 

Why?  First, I LOVE reading other people's blogs.  They are so inspiring...I love to hear people share their stories.  I don't think I really have anything too profound to share, but I my head is always full of stuff I think I should write down, so if anything, it will help me document my journey throughout life and all that comes with it.

What about the title?  I thought about this for awhile.  One of my favorite lines is, never a dull moment.  We constantly have something going on in our lives.  The kids keep us busy, as well as our work and hobbies.  With six kids between us, there's always something happening. The second part really sums it up...I am a mom and much more. I am an educator, an athlete (yes, I can honestly say that for the first time in my life!!!), a girlfriend, sister, aunt, daughter...the list is endless.  All those roles make up who I am...more about all that later!

What will I write about?  Probably all sorts of things.  Things that are close to my heart... my children, my job (education, teaching!), my fitness goals and my competition next year, and any other random thing that may come to mind.  Who knows?  I think it will be fun!